
  • Currently accepting new clients virtually and in-person (Madison, WI)

    TRE (Tension / Trauma Release Exercises) is the work of Dr. David Berceli and is a series of exercises that stimulate tremoring or shaking in the body (often starting the in the legs & hips). These "neurogenic tremors" help to release built up stress & tension in the body and is different from talk therapy in that we don't need to tell a verbal story in order to process an experience or feel relief. There are many examples of wild animals who tremor as a way to discharge intense survival energy, and humans (another type of animal!) also have this built-in tool for managing stress. Humans we often override these impulses though (we feel the need to "keep it together," we don't want to look weird, etc.), so in a TRE session we are re-teaching & re-validating things that the body already knows how to do—but in a safe & therapeutic way.

    Learn more about TRE here.

  • Currently accepting new clients virtually and in-person (Madison, WI)

    Somatic Experiencing comes from the work of Peter Levine and is a way to gather information about our the state of our nervous system (ie: fight, flight, freeze) and make space for the resolution of stress & trauma in the body. Our logical thinking brains might understand we are no longer in the stressful situation or traumatic event, but our bodies can get stuck there, expending unnecessary energy in order to keep us safe from the perceived threat. In Somatic Experiencing, we get curious about our patterns and learn to identify what these different nervous system states feel like in our bodies. Over time, our capacity & resiliency increases and we’re able to move more fluidly between big states of activation (sympathetic system) and states of dissociation or shut down (dorsal vagal system) while still knowing the pathway back to safety and connectedness (ventral vagal system).

    Learn more about Somatic Experiencing here.

    Please note that Ashley is currently in-training as a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (trained through Intermediate III) and is not yet certified.

  • Currently not accepting new birth doula clients (spring 2024 through fall 2025).

    Birth doulas provide non-medical support during pregnancy, labor, birth, and the postpartum time. This support can look a lot of different ways, but it often includes:

    • Physical support (massage / counter-pressure during labor, pain coping techniques, reminders to eat & drink),

    • Emotional support (reminding people they are safe, offering affirmations & validation, helping birthing people & partner/s stay grounded & calm)

    • Informational support (helping people think through questions and options that might be available)

    • Spiritual / community support (validating the desire for care, connection, & meaning). Doulas get to know their clients on a deeper level also provide continuity of care throughout the pregnancy & postpartum time.

  • Currently accepting new clients virtually and in-person (Madison, WI)

    Fertility doulas provide non-medical support through the TTC (trying to conceive) journey, infertility treatments, and / or early pregnancy. This support can look a lot of different ways, but it can include:

    • Education about menstrual cycle hormones

    • Instruction on how to track ovulation (in order to properly time intercourse or insemination)

    • Nervous system support (stress reduction tools)

    • Emotional support (available via text, email, phone for check ins as needed)

    • Help navigating the medical system (support for how to advocate during appointments, help with finding resources, coming up with questions for providers, etc.)

  • Currently accepting new clients virtually and in-person (Madison, WI)

    Full spectrum doulas provide non-medical support for a variety of experiences. This support can look a lot of different ways but it can include:

    • Virtual or in-person support before / during / after an in-clinic or medication abortion or any other types of procedures / surgery

    • Support around ceremony or ritual after an abortion or miscarriage

    • Nervous system support (stress reduction before or after a procedure or surgery)

    • Coming up with a care plan that can be used as a communication & advocacy tool with medical providers, support persons, or to provide reminders for self-care

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